
Seven years later, I'm reviving this blog. Honestly, I'm surprised I even remembered that this account existed. One reason I'm back is to utilize this space in a similar way I use Github--to demonstrate the work I've done in my courses--but also to ruminate on other topics. Github, though, is more of a useful resumé addendum in charting a course to a career in the tech industry, but my essays stem from the humanities side of my education and interests. Here, I get to write more about tech and give my liberal arts side a platform to be seen: a win-win. As my Professional Responsibility & Leadership professor, and many other people have advocated, the primary purpose of a liberal arts education is to develop free thinkers and people who possess a "broad knowledge of the wider world," from the AACU.

I have always appreciated finding treasures across the internet and learning interesting things, even if they don't present immediate relevance to my career advancement, so if I can contribute some knowledge and enrich people's minds, then I think I'll have made the world a better place. (Or maybe I'm just a tad woeful about the many assignments I've poured time, heart and soul into have been reduced to a number factored into a class grade that is then averaged into an overall GPA, a number that momentarily seems to define me and is declaratively stamped onto a transcript PDF.)
